Secrets Behind the World’s Brainiest Countries

Secrets Behind the World's Brainiest Countries

The intelligence quotient, or IQ, has been a subject of fascination for researchers and scholars for decades. It is a measure of a person’s cognitive ability and is often used as an indicator of success in various fields. The average IQ of a population is also a topic of interest, and some countries have been found to have higher average IQs than others. In this article, we will explore the five countries with the highest average IQ and the possible reasons behind their success.

1. Japan

Japan has consistently been ranked as the country with the highest average IQ, according to various studies. One study conducted by Lynn and Vanhanen in 2006 found that Japan had an average IQ of 106, which is significantly higher than the global average of 100. Japan’s success can be attributed to various factors, including its culture of hard work and dedication to education. According to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Japan spends more on education per student than any other country in the world.

The Japanese education system places a strong emphasis on memorization and repetition, which may contribute to their high IQ scores. As Masaru Ibuka, the co-founder of Sony Corporation, once said, “In Japan, we have the concept of ‘shu-ha-ri.’ ‘Shu’ means to learn the rules, ‘ha’ means to break the rules, and ‘ri’ means to transcend the rules. This applies to everything from martial arts to business.” This philosophy of learning the rules and then breaking them may have contributed to the development of Japan’s highly innovative and technologically advanced society.

2. South Korea

South Korea is another country that consistently ranks high in IQ studies. According to Lynn and Vanhanen’s study, South Korea has an average IQ of 106 as well. South Korea’s success can be attributed to its emphasis on education, similar to Japan. South Korea’s education system is highly competitive, and students are encouraged to work hard and excel academically.

One of the reasons behind South Korea’s success is its culture of diligence and persistence. As noted by Soo-Young Lee, a professor of cultural psychology at Yonsei University in Seoul, “There is a strong emphasis on the value of hard work in Korea. Children are taught from a young age that success requires hard work and perseverance.” This culture of hard work and determination may have contributed to the development of South Korea’s highly successful economy and technologically advanced society.


Taiwan is a small island nation off the coast of China, but it has consistently ranked among the countries with the highest average IQ. According to Lynn and Vanhanen’s study, Taiwan has an average IQ of 105, which is higher than the global average. Taiwan’s success can be attributed to its emphasis on education and innovation.

Taiwan’s education system places a strong emphasis on science and technology, and the country has a highly skilled workforce in these fields. As noted by Mark Hsu, the CEO of AppWorks, a Taiwanese startup accelerator, “Taiwan has a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. We have a highly educated and skilled workforce, and our government supports innovation and technology development.” This culture of innovation and entrepreneurship may have contributed to Taiwan’s success in the global market.

4. Hong Kong

Hong Kong is a highly developed city-state in China and has consistently ranked among the countries with the highest average IQ. According to Lynn and Vanhanen’s study, Hong Kong has an average IQ of 105. Hong Kong’s success can be attributed to its highly developed education system and its position as a global financial center.

Hong Kong’s education system is highly competitive, and students are encouraged to excel academically. According to the Hong Kong Education Bureau, “Our education system aims to develop students into well-rounded individuals with a strong foundation in language, mathematics, science, and technology.” This emphasis on a well-rounded education may have contributed to Hong Kong’s success in various fields, including finance, technology, and innovation.

Hong Kong’s position as a global financial center has also contributed to its success. As noted by Warren Buffett, “Hong Kong is an incredibly competitive place, but it’s also incredibly free. You can do almost anything here if you’re willing to work hard and take risks.” This culture of risk-taking and entrepreneurship may have contributed to Hong Kong’s success in the global market.

5. Singapore

Singapore is a small island nation located in Southeast Asia and has consistently ranked among the countries with the highest average IQ. According to Lynn and Vanhanen’s study, Singapore has an average IQ of 103. Singapore’s success can be attributed to its highly developed education system and its emphasis on innovation and technology.

Singapore’s education system is highly competitive, and students are encouraged to excel academically. According to the Ministry of Education, “Our education system aims to develop students into confident, innovative, and globally-minded individuals.” This emphasis on innovation and global-mindedness may have contributed to Singapore’s success in various fields, including technology, finance, and education.

Singapore’s government also places a strong emphasis on innovation and technology development. As noted by Heng Swee Keat, Singapore’s Deputy Prime Minister, “We believe that innovation is key to driving our economy forward. That’s why we’ve invested heavily in research and development, and we’re constantly looking for ways to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.” This focus on innovation and entrepreneurship may have contributed to Singapore’s success in the global market.

In conclusion, the five countries with the highest average IQs, namely Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, share a common emphasis on education, innovation, and technology. These countries have invested heavily in their education systems, and their cultures value hard work, diligence, and perseverance. Additionally, their governments have encouraged innovation and entrepreneurship, which may have contributed to their success in various fields, including technology, finance, and education.

It is important to note that IQ is not the only indicator of success, and there are many other factors that contribute to a country’s overall success. However, it is clear that these five countries have been successful in developing highly skilled and innovative societies, and their emphasis on education and technology may serve as a model for other countries looking to achieve similar success.

As noted by Albert Einstein, “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” These five countries have taken this philosophy to heart, and their dedication to education and innovation has helped them achieve remarkable success. It is up to other countries to follow their lead and invest in the development of their own highly skilled and innovative societies.

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